In 1938, Daido Moriyama was born in OSAKA. After the experience of free graphic desiner, he became assistant to photographer TAKESHI Iwamiya. In 1964, he became independent. In 1972, he published photographic collection named 「写真よさようなら」, and it shocked the photograph world, but after this, he stoped taking photo temporarily. In 1982 he came back to the world of photograph. Then he published a lot of fresh works one after another, for example "Daido-Hysteric"etc.
Firstly, to do this bog, I used Mr.Moriyama's book, named "Osaka plus"and my writting 'll be based on this book. Osaka plus is a photographic collection of Osaka people and town. Pictures in Osaka plus are all balck and white. His picture shows daily life in Osaka including people's beautiful points and dirty points, without any decoration.
This Osaka puls represents real Osaka very well. He photographed many kinds of people, for example, young hostess ladies,homeless people, young ladies, couples,and so on. For instance, Osaka is very famous for homeless people,and the number of homeless people is the most in Japan. Osaka plus has many homeless pictures which are same as what we see on street. I guess he photographed homeless people because homeless people are one of big part of Osaka. Also, he took many photos of sex industry, but he makes fun of them. Through these pictures, I could see how Mr. Moriyama think aboput people.
Osaka plus seems to haven't any particular theme, and it just looks like taking photo at random.
I think this is his successful point because thanks to no theme, he can take photo from many aspects, and many kinds of people. Some times we can see more Osaka when there is no themes.
As my personal opinion to Mr.Moriyama's work, it was really good to chose Osaka. I think Osaka is the place where we can see more human nature than like Tokyo.When we look Osaka plus, we might feel that Mr.Moriyama likes Osaka people.Mr. Moriyama took picture of some parts of people that we can't hate. I'm sure he likes Osaka town and people!
My information came from... and
大阪 plus (2007, published by 月曜社, written by Daido Moriyama)
Yes, I like the Osaka focus as well.
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cabaret&nightclub in osaka,kyoto,kobe
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