
am I "kansaijin"?

Look at these two pictures.

Upper one is the weekday's time schedule of Keihan rail line connecting center of the OSAKA

and KYOTO. Lower one is Etumihoku line's time schedule which is one of the line in Fukui

prefecture connecting central city of Fukui and my home town; Ono city.

Keihan line is one of the biggest rail line in Kansai area, and loved by many people. I

heard many friends says that "Keihan line is more comfortable compare to other lines like JR

or Kintetu line. Also, Etumihoku line is loved by people. We use this from when we were small

to when we become worker. When I was in Ono city, I often used it.

As you can see in this two pictures, the servise numbers are really different. Keihan line runs at least every 10 minutes, and in average, we can get in 5 minutes. However, on etumihoku line, if we miss one train, we have to wait at least 1 hours!! The worst, we have to wait more than 3 hours.

When I came OSAKA the first time, I was surprised at Friend's saying who was born in OSAKA.

She said ; " we have to run to get train"

I ;" why? Trains come one after another. we don't need to run."

Friend ; "No, we have to. If we miss the the next train, we have to wait 7 minutes!! I don't want to do"

"How OSaka people are impatient !! " At this time, I thought so.

However, now, 3 years after it, I am saying same thing. I am now a excellent "kansai-jin".

(※) This blog is a class project for my "Visual Anthropology" class; as such it is for educational purposes only. All photos posted here are taken by the blog auther unless otherwise noted. If any problem with the posting of a particular photois brought to my attention, I will earnestly review the problem and remove the photo if necessary.


If you are interested in Fukui, Ono city, visit here


2 件のコメント:

  1. Nice idea for a post. I'd like to hear in what other ways you have become a kansaijin.

  2. Hi there, I ended up here on your blog while searching for "kansaijin" on google and I gotta say that after reading this post I had to read all the other ones. Your writting style is truly irresistable and it's too sad that your last post dates back from 2009. I if you started a new blog in english, would you let me know? You can find my email adress at my profile, I would love hearing from you.
    See ya~
