The jyosi kousei picture came from
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Do you like living in Hirakata city?
I have been living in Hirakata for about 3 years , and still don't know much about hirakata yet.What is like hirakata peole? How hirakata people think about their town? why are they living in hirakata/ etc,etc,etc,etc,....... !
To know about hirakata more,this time, I interviwed one guy who runs the bar near kansai gaidai, you can see above, about living in Hirakata. (I guess some of you know him !)
I ; What your name and how old are you?
Mr ; My name is Jean, and I forgot my age! ha ha ha.... ( "jean" is the assumed name, just to make sure)
I ; Alright, how long have you been living in Hirakata?
Mr ; um...about 25 years may be.
I ; o.k, do you like Hirakata? And why or why not?
Mr ; I LOVE Hirakata ! I had been lived "Neyagawa" city before, and I was wishful for living in Hirakata.
I ; Oh, really? why?
Mr ; That's because Hirakata has kyoto mood rather than Osaka one. Although Neyagawa is near Hirakata, Neyagawa doesn't have this graceful mood.
I ; I didn't know that. I have never thought about hirakata's mood and also never thought that hirakata's mood is resemble to kyoto. How do you think about hirakata people?
Mr ; Hirakata people are , I think , decent. They are more like kyoto people than osaka.
I ; next, What are the good points and bad points of Hirakata?
Mr ; I think one of the good points is that Hirakata is academic city, because 6 universities are in here. I really like talking to students.
I ; why do you like students?
Mr ; Because I can feel young gushing energy and bright future. And also, good point is I can meet foreigh students. Hirakata is international city because of Kansasi Gaidai. I'm enjoying hirakata life.
I ; How about bad points?
Mr ; I think, hirakata hasn't the industry of the district. There are komatu and kubota, but no other. So, hirakata can get less tax revenue. For example, parking is very expensive !
I ; Last question, what do you hope hirakata to be in the future?
Mr ; I hope hirakata will be educational - industrial complex, I mean, more academic city.
I ; Alright, all questions are done ! Thank you very very much. Finally, if you have a message for my blogreaders, please.
Mr ; To Japanese students, don't be shy~! Talk more to more people~! And to all students, drink more and more and more and more!
I really enjoyed this interview, because I have rare chance to talk to native Hirakatan. To be honest, for me, hirakata was not the city I want to live long because of too many people, too many buildings, and less nature. But as I talked to hirakata people more including bar master , workers and customers, my view for hirakata opened more.
When I came OSAKA the first time, I was surprised at Friend's saying who was born in OSAKA.
She said ; " we have to run to get train"
I ;" why? Trains come one after another. we don't need to run."
Friend ; "No, we have to. If we miss the the next train, we have to wait 7 minutes!! I don't want to do"
"How OSaka people are impatient !! " At this time, I thought so.
However, now, 3 years after it, I am saying same thing. I am now a excellent "kansai-jin".
(※) This blog is a class project for my "Visual Anthropology" class; as such it is for educational purposes only. All photos posted here are taken by the blog auther unless otherwise noted. If any problem with the posting of a particular photois brought to my attention, I will earnestly review the problem and remove the photo if necessary.
If you are interested in Fukui, Ono city, visit here